//microsoft clarity tracing code Student Resources

WED - FRI 9am - 5pm

  NEED SUPPORT?   403.380.1856 | teachingsupport@uleth.ca

Student Resources

At the University of Lethbridge, not all classes will have a Moodle course component. Instructors are given the option to use Moodle if they wish. If your instructor has informed you that the course will be online in Moodle but you are unable to see the course, please check the following.

If you're in a course that requires handwritten work (e.g. math or chemistry) your instructor may have chosen to have you use Crowdmark for assignments and tests.

To assist with remote assessment, the University of Lethbridge acquired a license for the Crowdmark online grading platform. If you're in a course that requires handwritten work (e.g. math or chemistry) your instructor may have chosen to have you use Crowdmark for assignments and tests.

If you have a discussion forum in Moodle you can choose to Subscribe or Unsubscribe to the forum. If you subscribe to a forum in Moodle you will not only see the post in the Moodle forum on your course page but you will also receive an email in your UofL email account to notify you that a new post was made in the forum. One exception is that if the instructor has chosen to make the forum a forced subscription you have no choice but to receive emails on every discussion posting.